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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Weight Gain Programs - How to Put on Muscle Fast(fast weight gain)

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If you want to get the most out of your weight gain programs, then I highly suggest you hang around for a few minutes. You see, weight gain programs are very different compared to normal program. The largest reason for this is that hard gainers have very fast metabolisms.

This means that our bodies are burning TONS of calories even when we are just resting. As you can guess, our diet is very vital towards our muscle building success. Read on to learn how to get the most of your weight gaining efforts.

Weight Gain Programs - Tips to Success

1. High Calorie Foods

This is a problem a lot of hard gainers run in to when they first begin a weight gain meal plan. We are simply not used to stuffing ourselves full of extra calories so we tend to take "the easy way out". This usually takes the form of high calorie foods.

The only problem is that most of those high calorie foods are junk food (high sugar, fat contents).

You MUST resist the urge to eat junk food. It is going to be detrimental to your success. I am assuming you are going on a weight gain program because you want to build lean muscle. Eating junk food will only cause you to gain FAT. So resist the urge to take the easy way out.

After a while your body will get more acclimated to the increased food intake.

2. Do the Math

Another mistake that many hard gainers make is going into a weight gain meal plan blindly. All they do is eat a lot with no real direction or purpose. This is a really bad way to track your progress.

I suggest that you take a few days to monitor your daily caloric intake. After a few days you will be able to create an average. And after that all you must do is add 400-500 more calories to it. If you can consistently take in those extra calories you will gain the weight.

It is just a matter of being consistent with your weight gain programs [].

You should have a burning passion to achieve your ideal body type. If you do not have that passion, I would suggest you cultivate it.

How will you feel when you have that exact body of your desire? Visualize it. Take the time to feel that passion and emotion in your gut. Let it grow stronger and stronger.

Feels good, doesn't it? That level of passion is what turns dreams into a reality. You must take care of yourself first before you can offer significant value to anything else in your life.

If you have the desire, then you WILL have the ripped, toned, sexy body which you have been dreaming about. It takes a lot less time than you think.

fast weight gain


How to Gain Weight With a Fast Metabolism - Weight Gains Tips (fast weight gain)

fast weight gain

If you have struggled in the gym and can't seem to gain weight it could be due to several factors. Anyone with a fast metabolism is going to have greater difficulty with fast weight gain because their caloric needs are much greater and if they aren't meeting those needs there will not be enough raw materials to build muscle. If you want to know how to gain weight with a fast metabolism try out these weight gain tips.

Increase Calories with Healthy Fats

Most skinny guys are always being told they need to eat more. They get sick of eating as we all have a certain threshold of how much we can possibly stuff down our mouths in a day. The trick is to add the right types of calories. First make sure you are getting at least 1.5grams of protein per pound of bodyweight everyday. That is the essential nutrient to synthesize new muscle so you need enough to gain muscle mass.

The problem is that a fast metabolism is using everything for energy including protein to fuel itself so by the time it is done supplying energy to the body there is nothing left for muscle growth. Add healthy fats to your muscle building diet and you can easily increase your total daily calories by 500 to 1000 a day. Eat almonds, walnuts, cashews, and pecans by the handful for snacks in between meals. These are very calorically dense and will add several hundred calories of healthy fats, protein, and fiber without thinking about it. It isn't something you have to think about to prepare as you can just keep a zip lock bag of mixed nuts wherever you go.

Muscle Building Trail Mix

To give your mixed nuts an even bigger caloric kick add some dried cranberries or raisins to give it a carbohydrate kick. To make it even healthier get some cacao nibs and add a couple tablespoons to the mix. Cacao nibs are very high in flavanoids which is a very powerful antioxidant and will help your body fight off free radicals from the stress of training and daily life.

The best way to gain muscle mass fast is to follow these tried and proven routines. Weight Gain Tips and top rated programs for developing massive muscles and getting ripped fast! Save yourself the trouble of wasted efforts.

fast weight gain


Weight Gain Workout and Easy Tips For Hard Gainers(fast weight gain)

fast weight gain

There are many people who constantly struggle to find a weight gain workout that works for them. I, like many other people I know, have found out that it is the simple things that help you out the most. No need for "high-tech" supplements. Here is a quick and easy view of what has worked for me and continues to work.

The first thing that I want to get across has to do with the fact that you must be having fun when trying to gain weight. It is one of the most important things to remember. You want to be in the right mindset and you want to feel upbeat. We will get to the weight gain workout in a second, but let's start with simple steps you can take to get your energy level up and your motivation going in the right direction.

If you are taking a bunch of high-tech supplements, you can continue to do so if you want. Heck, maybe some of them are working for you with your weight gain workout. What I have found, though, is that the most basic of supplements are the ones that have helped me out the most. First, I researched vitamins, because I have heard great things about taking a good multi-vitamin. For me, the multi-vitamin is something that I will never do without again. In short, it has helped me with my endurance, energy, drive, attention span, and overall feeling of health, all which are crucial to maintaining a good weight gain workout routine. This, mixed with a low priced protein powder (pure whey works best for me) has my mindset right for the weight gain workout that I take part in.

Next we will go briefly into the weight gain workout itself. Now, everybody is different and different things work for a wide variety of people. The one thing that tends to work for all hard gainers is the basics. By basis I am talking about squats and dead lifts. I can't stress this enough. Squats and deadlights simply give you a building block for all future development. They work out nearly the entire body and get you body in shape to put the pounds on your body while helping you put more pounds on your lifting bar. The best thing about these two exercises is that you only have to do them two times a week with any weight gain workout you choose.

Last but not least we are going to talk about form and posture. Developing great form and posture is an absolute must if you want to succeed in your gain weight workout. Good form helps you add pound quick. We can get pretty technical here, but I will leave it as that, because I assume you know what we are talking about. Long story short, please take a bit of time to make sure that you have great form when using any sort of free weights. You will thank yourself later.

Getting the perfect gain weight workout is not as hard as it seems, because once you build a good foundation you can venture on to bigger and better things.

fast weight gain


How to Gain Weight - Tips For Fast Weight Gain (fast weight gain)

fast weight gain

Believe it or not, many people struggle to gain weight and don't know the first place to start. Gaining weight will make you look like you have a bigger body and give you more confidence. Hopefully these 6 tips can help you gain weight and achieve a bigger body.

1.Increase Your Calorie Intake: Your calorie requirement will vary depending on your weight, height, activity level and your body's metabolic rate. Calculate how much calories you eat each day and add about 500 extra calories to your diet. You can use a calorie calculator online to help you figure this out. If you don't notice an increase in your weight after 2 weeks then your going to have to add another 500 calories to your weight gain diet.

2. Choose Your Foods Wisely: Choose dairy products, fish and meat over other food items like bread. Eat more foods high in protein and starch content. Foods such as beans, peas, potatoes, and rice should also be included in your diet.

3. Increase Your Protein Intake: Increasing your protein intake is vital to gaining weight. It is protein that builds new muscles and helps you to get bigger. However, most of your calories for weight gain comes from carbohydrates and fats so don't replace them with protein.

4. Eat More High-Calorie Snacks: High calorie snacks such as cheese sticks, milk shakes, yogurt, and breakfast bars are great items to snack on in between meals because they can help you with your calorie intake.

5. Workout Really Hard: To gain the kind of weight your looking for you have to get in the gym and workout hard. You don't want to gain fat and sloppy weight, you want to gain lean muscle weight so your body looks big, toned, and muscular.

6. Be Consistent: A lot of people get frustrated because they don't see immediate results in their weight gain. However, if you consistently keep eating the right foods and performing the proper workouts your body will respond. You will not gain weight if your not regularly taking the steps to do so.

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